
Pin it or Forget it? Make your home smell yummy

I'm starting a new post feature, Pin it or forget it?  I am on Pinterest a lot and always pinning things.  I will say I have tried several recipes that are just as delicious as they look, but there are always home remedies and diy ideas I pin that I never really do much with except remember they are there.  Pin it or forget it is going to be a test of one of my pins (maybe each week, maybe once a month, more likely when I remember to do!).  Ultimately, should you pin it, or forget it because the end result isn't quite what pinterest implies.

So for the first edition I am testing a home remedy for making your house smell yummy.  Unfortunately the link on pinterest is to a blog that doesn't exist so I can't give the original owner credit that I got it from.  However after looking at pinterest, it appears that several people have pinned this technique.

Here is what you do:  Gather a coffee mug and some vanilla extract.  Place anywhere from 2 caps full to 2 teaspoons full of vanilla and put in the coffee mug.  Turn your oven to 300 degrees.  Place the coffee mug inside the oven and leave for 1 hour.  This is supposed to be a trick that realtors use when selling houses to make them more homey and inviting. 

Here is what should happen: Within about 10-20 minutes the house is supposed to take on an aroma of vanilla and smell like you've been baking your heart away.

What really happened: I put this in the oven and hopped in the shower.  When I got out I couldn't smell much...until I headed into the kitchen.  It smellled awesome in there!  Just like I had been baking.  I will say the aroma carried into the living room but not much further past that.  We will see if this helps us sell our house now!

The Verdict: Pin It!

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